Pink. Just the word made her cringe. It made her think of cheerleaders, ballerinas, and all things "girly girl." Wearing it was worse. It made her feel all delicate and proper. She'd read the words "courtly fluffcake" somewhere and that was how she felt wearing pink. Black was better, or even a dark grey. Her mother always said that black was a depressing color, the color of sadness. That wasn't how she felt. She was happy, in her quiet way. Black made her happy, pink did not. She could hide from unwanted attention in black. Girls in pink stood out. People watched their every move. They were expected to behave a certain way, all proper and poised and...... bubbly. Girls in black, well, they could be a little more...unpredictable when they wanted. Girls in black could be proper, but they could also be improper and no one would think twice about it. They could quietly disappear and no one would notice.
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