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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Humanity Problem

"And what's that?'

"You're human."

.................................."I don't get it. How is being human wrong?"

"It's not wrong to be human; but it's what's wrong with you. Tell me, if you were there was nothing wrong with you, what would you be?"


"Exactly; and if you were perfect, you would not be human. Humans make mistakes. Humans feel emotions. They lie, cheat, steel, abuse, fight, and all sorts of bad things. We're not perfect. We never will be; well, not until The King returns, but that's something else. Anyway, humans are wonderfully flawed creatures. No, it's not right what we do sometimes and we should always try to do and be better; but when you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up over it. You're human. When someone else makes a mistake or does something bad, don't beat them up either. They're human. No one is perfect."

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