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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Untitled Sci-Fi Story (2)

-zzzt-Suit containment compromised-zzzt-
-zzzt-Suit power at ten percent-zzzt-
-zzzt-Suit containment compromised-zzzt-
-zzzt-Suit power at ten percent-zzzt-
                Kesoka groaned and coughed. She opened her eyes slowly. Her suit’s view-screen was a mess of cobweb-cracks and the HUD display flickered in and out.  Her suit’s AI kept repeating the same lines over and over, occasionally interrupted by static.
                She could just barely make out the stone floor she was lying on through her cracked view-screen. She tried to get her hands under her to push herself into a sitting position but intense pain lanced up her left arm. Oh, right. That’s the arm you landed on. She thought to herself. It’s probably broken, or at least dislocated.
                She managed to slowly roll herself onto her back. She groaned in pain as she did and another coughing fit shook her. The planet’s atmosphere was deadly to humans. Her suit’s containment had been breached and she was now breathing the acidic atmosphere in.  Hopefully it’s only a small breach.
                -zzzt-“Kesoka,-” -zzzt-“-there?” her suit’s com crackled as a voice sounded around her. -zzzt-“Kesoka, come-” -zzzt-
                “Jet?” she croaked
                -zzzt-“Kesoka, where-” -zzzt-“you?” Jet’s voice sounded worried.
                “”You’re breaking up, Jet.” She coughed as she finished. She needed to get back to the shuttle.
                -zzzt-“What?” -zzzzzt-“-can’t-” -zzzt-
                “Jet?” she coughed again, “Jet, can you hear me?”
                All she heard was static and the suit’s AI.
-zzzt-Suit containment compromised-zzzt-
-zzzt-Suit power at five percent-zzzt-
     She needed to go. She managed to roll herself onto her knees, and stayed that way for a moment, coughing and cradling her arm. It hung limply across her lap. She glanced around her and saw a tunnel that led away into darkness. Might as well go that way. She mused.
                As she struggled to her feet, she noticed her pistol lying in the dirt. She managed to pick it up without falling over and gripped it tightly in her hand. Who knows what I’ll run into.
                A blast sounded and suddenly one of the men in front of them pitched over. Jet and Aleryus used the distraction to take care of the other two. The skirmish was over in seconds they both glanced in the direction of the shot that had saved their lives. They looked in time just to see a suited figure pitch forward into the sand.
                “Kesoka!” Jet yelled and dashed toward her. Aleryus followed close behind. They could see her suit’s damage before they even reached her. Her helmet was dented and its view-screen was shattered. Pieces of the screen lay in the sand. There was a long gash in the suit’s plaiting exposing it to the atmosphere and the left shoulder section was very obviously popped out of place.
                “Roll her onto her back.” Aleryus told Jet. The ridged plate along her spine showed no dents so he felt safe in his request. “We need to get her helmet off.”
                His friend rolled her over and gently removed her helmet. Her eyes were closed and her skin was pale and clammy. Aleryus felt her neck for a pulse and was rewarded with a weak throb.  Next he pushed his hair to the side and put an ear to her face. There was no noise.
                “She’s not breathing.” He said to Jet without looking up. “She’s been breathing the atmosphere for too long.”
                In response, Jet ripped off the breathing mask he had been wearing. This planet’s atmosphere was uncomfortable for his species, but it wasn’t deadly.  He set the mask’s canister to oxygen and placed it over Kesoka’s head.
                A few seconds later they were rewarded with a weak cough, followed by a weaker gasp, and more coughing. They waited as her breathing stabilized to weak, but consistent, gasps. Her eyelids fluttered, but didn’t open.
                “Let’s get her to the shuttle.” Aleryus said and he helped Jet gently pick her up and place her on the floor in the shuttle. Minutes later they docked in the ship’s hanger.
Captain Dazok stared absentmindedly at the figure floating in a bright green liquid.  A mask covered her face, and tubes and wires were attached to various parts of her body. A readout on the tank’s glass showed a steady heartbeat and brainwaves. He was so engrossed in watching the readouts and his inner thoughts that he didn’t hear Dr. Chidren come to stand beside him. He inhaled sharply and shook his head as the medic addressed him.
“Chidren.” he said, acknowledging the medic’s presence. “How is she?”
The medic’s bluish-purple skin became a greyish blue. “Not very good.” was the raspy response. “Her left shoulder was dislocated and the collarbone was cracked. She also suffered a deep gash to the side which caused her suit’s containment to be compromised.  Because of that, she’s suffered severe damage to her lungs.”
“Can the solution heal her lungs?” the captain asked.
The medic shook her head. “If she was able to breathe it, probably; but as you know the solution only works for humans on what it can touch. We injected some into the muscle around her shoulder, but we do not have a way to make the solution breathable and still effective. Her lungs will have to heal on their own. If they do, it’s highly likely that they will never return to normal parameters.”
Dazok was silent. He and Kesoka were the only two humans in a crew of thirty people. He had been the only human for over a decade and her addition to the crew a few years ago had filled a void he hadn’t known existed. Their age difference meant he saw her as daughter rather than anything else, but he still didn’t relish the thought of her being gone.
Six Months Later…..
                Kesoka inhaled and immediately knew something was wrong. Her breath hitched and pain flared in her chest. She dropped to her knees, hands pushing into the stone floor. She had been breathing hard the entire match, but this was different. She coughed and tried to inhale again, which only made the pain worse and her to cough more. She felt a presence beside her and a hand on her back. So much for keeping this a secret.
                She coughed again and this time she spat blood onto the stone. Her lungs felt like they were on fire. She barely registered her name being called as she gasped for air and more coughing wracked her body. Dark spots swam before her eyes and she felt her body being lifted as someone carried her away.
                “What happened?” Captain Dazok asked Aleryus as he walked into the room. Kesoka was curled on her side on a cot, a mask over her face, eyes closed. Her breathing was ragged breaths accompanied by coughs.
                “She’s been lying about her lungs.” Aleryus answered him. “She‘s been insisting her lungs were fine, so we let her be talked into a short sparring match. She was doing rather well when she collapsed and started coughing. Some of those coughs brought up blood.”
                Dazok sighed and mumbled “I never should have let her come.” as he rubbed a hand over his face. “What did Dr. Chidren say?”
                “We can’t reach him.” was the quite reply.
                “Excuse me.” a nervous voice behind them said.
                Dazok and Aleryus turned to see a small figure behind them. It was one of the locals. The people here closely resembled small humans; the tallest among them barely reached five feet. The only visible sign that separated them was their jewel toned hair and skin markings.
                The figure continued, “I was told the young girl was sick. I am a healer. I thought I may be able to help.”
                “Please.” Dazok said and the moved aside to let the healer move closer to Kesoka. As the small figure looked her over, he explained what had happened to Kesoka.
                “These symptoms sound similar to stiotine gas poisoning. It usually happens to miners.”
                “Is there a cure?” Aleryus asked.
                The healer nodded his head. “There is. I can’t say how effective it will be on an outsider, but if you’re willing to let me, I’d like to try it.”
                Dazok and Aleryus looked at each other.
                “We don’t have much of a choice, Captain.” Aleryus said quietly. “She’s dying already.”
                “I know.” Dazok replied. He thought quietly for a moment, listening to Kesoka’s ragged breathing. Finally, he addressed the healer, “We would be grateful for anything you believe would help.”
 “I will do my best.” The local said. “I will return in a moment.” Then he bowed and left the room.
A few minutes later, the healer returned with a stone jar in his hand. “I need her to be lying on her back. This ointment goes on her upper chest. If this works, the vapors should open her lungs as well as begin to heal them.”
Dazok moved to Kesoka’s side and gently rolled her onto her back. She groaned softly as he did, which made her cough more.  He sat on the cot and held her arms to prevent her from rolling back onto her side.
The healer took the breathing mask off of Kesoka and set it on a table beside the cot unzipped the top of her shirt just enough to pull it open, exposing her collarbone. He then opened the stone pot and rubbed a blueish ointment on her chest. When he was done he closed the pot and placed it beside the mask. He rubbed the excess ointment on a cloth looped to his belt.
“How long will until we know if it works?” Aleryus asked from behind Dazok.
“We should know in a few seconds. Her breathing should become less ragged and her coughing should be less severe.” The healer replied.
They listened in silence, waiting for the change. Moments later, Kesoka breathed deeply, but the cough that followed was significantly weaker. The next breath was shallow, but calm. Dazok hung his head in relief, and let out the breath he had subconsciously been holding.
She was going to be alright.

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