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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

100 Sentences- Third Person POV


  1. He grabbed the bag and ran out the door.
  2. She walked like an angel
  3. The dog sat at the door, waiting on it's master.
  4. She cried until the tears no longer came.
  5. The pizza delivery man was a vampire.
  6. No one ever came to her house. 
  7. She sat quietly in the corner.
  8. The monster was smaller than they had expected.
  9. The cat spoke.
  10. He stared at the paper in shock.
  11.  The man smiled at her.
  12. They landed lightly on the roof.
  13. The child looked at her with sad eyes and began to cry.
  14. All of a sudden, the panther attacked.
  15. The ship attached itself and set the air-lock.
  16. A warning bell sounded.
  17. The soldier saluted the lowering flag.
  18. People came from far and wide.
  19. She loved cheesecake.
  20. The wolf had dissolved into a man.
  21. He picked up the artifact gently, as if it might shatter at the slightest touch.
  22. The mirror was fogged from the smoke and heat.
  23. The computer buzzed, beeped, and died.
  24. Her hands shook at the sight of it.
  25. He took off down the lane.
  26. "Good morning," it said.
  27. The dog growled and showed its teeth.
  28. He mounted the horse and rode off.
  29. A body lay in a pool of blood.
  30. The diamond sparkled in the sunlight.
  31. The cat flicked its tail.
  32. He grabbed the gun and started shooting.
  33. The paper was crisp and white.
  34. The shop was filled with sweets.
  35. The plane took a sharp dive and leveled out.
  36. She hugged the child with all her strength.
  37. They looked at each other and burst into laughter.
  38. The engines were on fire.
  39. The man dropped to his knees, clutching his side.
  40. In his hands, he held his grandfather's sword.
  41. The floor writhed with snakes.
  42. Pigs started flying.
  43. The apple was red and looked delicious.
  44. As she looked at the music, she stated humming.
  45. Her work was almost done.
  46. He glanced at his friend, grateful that he was there.
  47. The phone rang, shattering the silence.
  48. He wrote faster than the eye could follow.
  49. The baby started crying immediately.
  50. The song was sad and wistful.
  51. The rain and hail pelted the windshield.
  52. The journal pages were spattered with blood.
  53. The glass shattered when it hit the floor.
  54. Arms out, she stepped onto the ledge.
  55. The horse bucked and whinnied, then bolted.
  56. The car exploded and he was pushed to the ground.
  57. The knife drew blood.
  58. Her smile lit up the room. 
  59. Her mother looked at her with disapproving eyes.
  60. The peace was shattered by a scream.
  61. Her dress sparkled and shone as it caught the light.
  62. The town was deserted.
  63. The contents of her purse spilled across the tile.
  64. The sound of steps echoed down the corridor.
  65. Strong hands gripped him and pinned his arms to his sides.
  66. The dog cocked it's head in an expression of curiosity. 
  67. The cat curled in his lap and began to purr.
  68. Leaves littered the walkway.
  69. He read the letter and his heart shattered.
  70. He was covered in mud from head to toe.
  71. The child giggled and dashed off.
  72. He caught her as she fell.
  73. The alley smelled of garbage and urine.
  74. Her eyes started to droop.
  75. He tried to move, but only succeeded in increasing his pain. 
  76. They were not the results she had expected.
  77. Her hand was cold in his.
  78. The apartment had been ransacked.
  79. The girl was dressed in rags.
  80. Adrenaline flooded his system.
  81. the gasoline soaked car burst into flames.
  82. The boy smiled at her and she blushed.
  83. The game was hard, but she learned quickly.
  84. The teacher looked up when she heard the snickering. 
  85. The man in the coat grabbed her arm and whispered, "Run."
  86. She fondled te pendant absentmindedly.
  87. The song touched her soul and echoed in her heart.
  88. The paramedics started CPR.
  89. The sword cut through the silk like water.
  90. Loud music asulted her ears.
  91. The silence of the empty house was oppressive and depressing.
  92. She screamed when she saw the carnage inside.
  93. The tea was hot and refreshing.
  94. He slipped into the next pose effortlessly. 
  95. He grabbed her and hugged her tight.
  96. She had tried to find sleep, but got lost on the way.
  97. Th field was filled with flowers in full bloom.
  98. The stone was cool and damp beneath her feet.
  99. The bag ripped and her groceries spilled to the ground.
  100. He closed the book and returned it to the shelf.

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