Location: Inglemarch
Size: 75,354 sq. mi.
Population: approx. 250 million
Government: Monarchy
Motto: "To fight and die is better than to hide and die."
Inglemarch is an industrialized country, boarded on the west by the Greenspan Sea, which rises up to meet the Moonrise Mountains, and on the east by South Aberion, on the other side of the Erenside plains. It is currently ruled by Queen Viktoria. It's main exports are fish, tea, and textiles. The north west region is also the only exporter of a alcoholic drink from crops grown there. Her capitol, Fenmore City is a leader in fashion in, not only the country, but in the surrounding nations as well. It's style and influence even reaches west across the Greenspan Sea. In covert circles, Inglemarch is known for producing the world's best spies, known as Spymasters. No other country is able to match them in intelligence and cunning. Only members of the order have positive proof of it's existence, but enemies of Inglemarch have often been infiltrated and left with only whisperd rumors of their work.
*Very Rough* draft of a country for a larger story.
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