*phbbbbt* "P-p-poison!?!?" *hack* "You poisoned me?!?!"
*cough* "Let me get this straight, You- the supposed 'good guys"- have poisoned me- an innocent bystander- so I would do what you wanted?"
"We never said we were the 'good guys' as you put it, you assumed; and, you, of all people, are not 'innocent'. Everything else, though, is correct."
------- "What happens if I just let myself die?"
"You won't. You love living too much to consider that; but if something were to delay you and you died, we would just move on to someone else."
"So you'd just move on and poison someone else."
"Not necessarily. Just because we poisoned you doesn't mean we would poison the next person, or even that we poison all our recruits. We apply pressure where it's most effective. For you, that's dying. For someone else, it may be a friend dying, or the threat of a secret getting out. Get the picture?"
"In other words, you guys want what you want and you're willing to do whatever, absolutely whatever, it takes to get it. Is that right?"
"It's close enough."
“Cookies? You’re bribing me with cookies? I mean, they’re good, but they’re not that good.” I reached for another one.
ReplyDelete“No,” the big man smiled, “we’re bribing you with the antidote.”
Wait! I stopped chewing my third cookie midway. What was that? They wanted answers and I confessed to them I had none. And I didn’t. Sure, I was vaguely aware of the situation they demanded answers about. I was even familiar with some of the principals involved. But actual knowledge?
“You have three days until the poison kills you. That should give you some time to come up with the answers we want.
“Think about it.”
And he left the room.